Sweet Pea, Pumpkin, Sprout, Cabbage, Bunny, Little Birdie, Baby Bean, —(Let me see, any other garden references?) It doesn’t matter what you call him, he is finally here and just in time for growing season!
I took a break from writing posts and (ashamedly I admit) from pretty much everything else garden related, as we were doing a little growing of a different sort! Yes, we have added our long awaited firstborn to our nest. We’re now in a fairly good routine, and Mommy’s eager to get out side and play in the dirt again! (I am thankful the desire to garden, and the taste for eating more veggies again has returned. Unlike my LOVE for chocolate…which I suppose is not really a tragedy after all.)
With the demands of a newborn to consider, I have scaled back the crops to fit in only our original section or “Veggie Garden 1”. I am quite sure I can handle the upkeep on this smaller version just for this season, especially with the help of my youngest brother as a guest gardener/weed puller! The basics (tomatoes, peppers, green and yellow beans, cucs, zucchini, eggplant) were all started in the greenhouse, but kinda late since I should have had them started just about the time we were getting ready to go in for delivery. Since the peppers never sprouted, I resorted to store bought plants: 2 each of jalepeno, big berthas, and sweet banana. I also picked up a few “early” cabbage plants though I couldn’t find the 45 day cabbage like we had last year. Oh, and I added a few new purchased plants to the herb garden (rosemary, parsley, dill, basil) since my seedlings for those are struggling too. Everything has been planted out while the weather has been rather cool and rainy.
I think that is just about where we left off last summer as far as the garden goes. There are also a few projects that we worked on over the course of this sabbatical so I will probably write up some posts about those things while we wait for the weather to warm up and the gardens to get growing! Check back soon…
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